How to Streamline Periodontal Charting

If you could change one thing about the periodontal charting process, what would it be?

Speed up the data collection and entry process? Customize it to the way you want to work? Simplify the look and feel of charting?

We’ve heard a variety of answers to this very question, and they all relate to a key point: periodontal charting isn’t a quick and easy task - and it could be costing you more time, money, and resources than it should.

Why Better Periodontal Charting Is Needed

If you’ve tried to break away from traditional charting in favour of electronic record keeping, you’ve likely noticed that most solutions are made for general dentistry and not for the specialty of periodontics. It’s a major limitation on the data you’re able to collect, view, and analyze, which forces you to pursue other options to capture the details you need.

Visual elements play an equally important role in charting, but many traditional solutions don’t offer the big picture. Most products have a limited am...

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