Peri-implantitis (Inflammation in the peri-implant mucosa together with progressive loss of supporting bone)

Peri-implantitis is a hot topic in implant dentistry nowadays. Some estimates report as many as 1 in 10 implants experiencing peri-implantitis. Dental implants have clearly transformed how we go about treatment planning our patients. Modern planning is more open to extractions as a treatment option now that we have a simple, predictable and reliable tooth replacement alternative. Long-term success rates for dental implants have been shown to be excellent in many studies. If peri-implantitis substantially reduces those success rates, we will need to rethink our treatment strategies with important consequences for both completed and future patients. This article will look at inflammation in the peri-implant mucosa.Ā 

So what causes Peri-implantitis? We can divide the causes into patient associated and implant-associated. Under patient causes, we include all the factors for Periodontitis including Genetics; Diabetes; Smoking and of course Dental Plaque. A good history and control where po...

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