Reviewed: The Most Popular Software Products Used by Periodontists

A round-up of four common periodontal software solutions for easy comparison

When it comes to choosing software for your periodontal practice, most practice owners face two choices: opt for a general management software or choose one specifically made for the dental industry. There are countless options for the former given their basic nature, but finding the best solutions for periodontal’s unique needs isn’t so easy. 

For starters, there aren’t nearly as many industry-specific options compared to general practice management. And of the industry solutions that do exist, many of them are more heavily tailored to general dentistry and not periodontal professionals.

 We’ve rounded up four of top software products for periodontal professionals so you can compare their features and make an informed decision for your practice:

Fast Notes App

Fast Notes is a cloud-based app that’s still fairly new in the periodontal community. It’s touted as a quick and easy note-taking app with feature...

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